RRI&NGAGE: Embedding RRI for smart and climate resilient European regions

Interested in Responsible Research and Innovation? Don't miss the RRI&NGAGE cluster's conference in the context of OpenSciComm 2022!


The RRI2SCALE and TeRRIFICA EU-funded projects supported by Horizon Results Booster have joined forces by forming the RRI&NGAGE cluster. Together they will hold a conference on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) for smart and climate-resilient European regions, with an overview of the two projects, interactive sessions, open roundtables, as well as inspiring talks about RRI and regional development by honorary speakers.

The event will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, on the 23rd of November, in the context of the Open Science Communication Conference 2022.

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a term used by the European Union's Framework Programmes to describe scientific research and technological development processes that take into account effects and potential impacts on the environment and society.

RRI2SCALE and TeRRIFICA are involved in RRI as they apply a multi-stakeholder engagement approach at the regional level. They both aim to encourage societal actors to work together during the entire research and innovation process to better align Research & Innovation and its outcomes with the values, needs, and expectations of regional ecosystems and their societal actors.

“We believe that this will be a great occasion to shed light on Responsible Research and Innovation and to engage European citizens and various stakeholders in our journey of making European regions climate resilient and smarter through territorial RRI” – Norbert Steinhaus, coordinator of the TeRRIFICA project.

If you want to join the conference and learn more about how EU-funded research can tackle innovation-related challenges through RRI, join the conference by registering by 11th of November here.

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