Horizon Results Booster

Receive expert free of charge support services to boost the exploitation potential of your research results, disseminate effectively, and go to market.

Horizon Results Booster services

Portfolio Dissemination & Exploitation Strategy

Business Plan Development

Go To Market

Horizon Results Booster is an initiative of the European Commission which aims to bring a continual stream of innovation to the market and maximise the impact of public funded research within the EU. It steers research towards strong societal impact, concretising the value of R&I activity for societal challenges.

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Horizon Results Booster in numbers

Services requested since the HRB's launch

Projects supported with expertise and training

Organisations involved in the projects

Horizon Results Booster
at a Glance!

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Download the factsheet and the presentation containing all the information and latest statistics on Horizon Results Booster.

Factsheet Presentation

How we can help you

One of the main challenges researchers are facing is converting academic research into marketable products or services.
HRB takes on this challenge by offering free professional and customised support to increase the added value of Research & Innovation projects and bring them closer to the market.

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Latest news

Horizon Results Booster will be present at the EUSEW Energy Fair on 11 – 13 June in Brussels


We are thrilled to announce that Horizon Results Booster (HRB) will take part in the upcoming Energy Fair of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) in Brussels from June 11 to 13.

Horizon Results Booster featured in The Grant podcast


Horizon Results Booster has appeared in The Grant podcast. We talked about how we are helping researchers all around Europe to boost the impact of their research results.

More than 1200 EU-funded projects are benefitting from our support services


HRB achieved a new milestone by delivering more than 800 services since its start in 2020.

Latest success stories

The STEM project story of success: advancing energy-managing composite materials

Horizon Results Booster services were very helpful. It was useful to understand how exploitation could go beyond direct commercialisation. Through these seminars, I realised that in fact it could be applied to many fields.

DENiM: Digital intelligence for collaborative ENergy management in Manufacturing

Horizon Results Booster was very helpful for the support of the project exploitation in this particular phase of consolidation. DENiM received good feedback regarding the current development level, in particular for the Key Exploitable Result characterization and the first business model produced by R2M Solution. At the same time the booster service provides us a helpful tool to investigate missing points.

LEAD Project: Towards Sustainable Urban Logistics

HRB's support has been valuable in providing strategic guidance and facilitating initial steps in our journey. While their assistance has primarily focused on strategic input, we appreciate their contributions in shaping our early direction

REWIND: Sustainable Bioplastics from Used Cooking Oil and Waste Valorization

I was very impressed with the expert that was appointed to us. He was always pushing and motivating us and it was very good for the project, for myself, for my growth itself.


