Horizon Results Booster is an important tool to accompany researchers in the tortuous path towards the valorisation of R&I results

Many projects developing different results, with no limits regarding result types, field of expertise or level of TRL are benefitting from HRB support.


Different projects included in different funding schemes are eligible to access Horizon Results Booster services. but beyond the most common R&D Programmes (FP7, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe), EU participates in research and development programmes undertaken by several Member States. Among these, PRIMA Programme (an initiative included in Article 185 TFEU which establishes a P2P – Public to Public partnership -) gathers different projects which are also eligible to avail of HRB specific expertise.

Today we share some thoughts from Marco Orlando, Project Officer at PRIMA Foundation, about its experience:

"As a funding programme seeking to boost the transition from research to innovation and to facilitate societal and market uptake of sustainable solutions in the Mediterranean, PRIMA has found an excellent partner in META Group. Several PRIMA projects addressing water management, agriculture, and the agro-food value chains, as well as the WEFE nexus, have applied to and are now benefiting from the Horizon Results Booster, an important tool to accompany researchers in the tortuous path towards the valorisation of R&I results. META Group has also assisted the PRIMA Secretariat team in assessing how projects funded by the programme are valorising their Key Exploitable Results, providing valuable feedback that can help consortia better plan their exploitation pathway”.

The PRIMA program is a Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area, supported by EU H2020 program. Several projects backed by PRIMA have benefited from HRB services. Specially, we helped some of them to identify and create a portfolio of R&I project results (Service 1, Module A) and to improve their existing exploitation strategy (Module C). In other cases, they receive support in Innovation Management (an option part of the Service 3).

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Horizon Results Booster featured in The Grant podcast


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More than 1200 EU-funded projects are benefitting from our support services


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New milestone achieved: Horizon Results Booster has successfully delivered 700 services


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